Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reading is Fun!

So everyone, everyone, has been telling me to read The Hunger Games. I was trying to wait until the weather warmed up so I would have something to read outside. Then I told myself that I could start reading them if I was at least sitting in the sun. On Wednesday, the sun was shining on my balcony and even though it was a little cold, I went out in my shorts and started getting my tan on.

I stopped reading as soon as the sun went behind the building across from us, and I promised not to read again unless I was making progress on my summer color. But the weather has been cold and gross for four days straight and I worked like 8 hours today, so here I am in my bed, reading.

Abby's Kindle has pretty much been my secret best friend since I got here in August. For months, I was like, 'Hey, Abby, can I like, um, borrow your Kindle? But before I do, can you like, put these books on there for me? Thannnkkkksss!' And she always did! That's how cool she is. Even cooler, Abby's family has generously bequeathed an extra Kindle to me. Now I can read without bugging their daughter all the time!

When the weather gets nice, I'll definitely be out getting my book and my tan on. Until then, back to breaking promises to myself.

(Ps - how come no one ever professes their love to me on live television????)

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